Wessex Division - Angling Trust Open Forum.
The Wessex committee under the guidance of Chairman Rod Giles, recently held an open forum with Grant Jones of Angling Trust (A/T) at the Lymington & District Sea Fishing Club to discuss a number of issues affecting Sea Angling both in the Wessex area and nationally. Topice included, the perceived concern over the lack of Sea Angling representation at the policy making end of A/T, the A/T lack of support for national sea angling teams both financial and oganisational, general funding and sponsorship both for A/T  and for representative events, viability and general response to Sea Angling licencing, information gathering for the protection of endangered species, the rise of tuna fishing and it's current and future control, the re generation of A/T regions (now only 2 in number and much more. After a lengthy and productive discussion among the 20 or so present, Grant Jones gave a fair and understanding view of the concerns expressed and as well as giving an insight of A/T's postion on the above matters and offered his full support to push for a greater voice for Sea Anglers within A/T in the hope that positive changes can be brought about. It is accepted that such changes wont happen overnight, but the Wessex Region will be watching with interest for positive changes over the months ahead. It is hoped that a follow up  meeting can be arranged later this year. Thanks were viiced to Grant Jones for attending and for his helpful and informative views.
Wessex Region Committee.