Fish of the month for December 2023.
Shore. Adult. Keith Warren with a small eyed ray weighing 6 lb 13-1/2 oz.
Fish of the Month for January 2024.
Shore. Adult. Keith Warren with a whiting weighing 1 lb 1 oz.
Boats. Adult. Alec S. Harmer with a bass weighing 6 lb 12 oz.
Fish of the Month for February 2024.
Shore. Adult. Rory Lancaster with a dogfish weighing 1 lb 15 oz.
Fish of the Month for March.
Shore. Adult. Michael Dawkins with a dogfish weighing 2 lb 1 oz.
Fish of the Month for April 2024.
Shore. Adult. Colin Saunders with a bass weighing 11 lbs 12-3/8 oz.
Boats. Adult. Robert Flicos with a dogfish weighing 1 lb 13-1/2 oz.
Fish of the Month for May 2024.
Shore.  Adult.  Martin Bobbett with a thin-lipped mullet weighing 3 lb 9 oz.
            Junior.  Kacper Karp with a dogfish weighing 1 lb 6 oz.
Boats.  Adult.  Robert Flicos and Keith Warren both with a dogfish weighing 2 lb.
New catch and release record for the boats and that is Robin lane with his greater weaver weighing 8 oz.
Fish of the Month for June 2024.
Shore.  Adult.  Keith Warren with a spotted ray weighing 4 lb 1/2 oz.
Boats.  Adult.  Robin Lane with a greater weaver 8 oz.
            Junior.  Tom Harker with a bass weighing 4 lb 5 oz.
Fish of the Month for July 2024.
Shore.  Adult.  Keith Warren with a red gurnard weighing 14 1/2 oz.
Boats.  Adult.  Andy Southwick with a red gurnard weighing 1 lb 4 oz.
New catch and release boat record for a john dory weighing in at 1 lb 5 oz caught by Martin Bobbett.